July 15 "VBS Sunday" and Church Picnic
This Sunday is VBS Sunday, when we invite all of our kids and VBS families to join us as we share some of the highlights from the VBS week and worship our GOOD God together! The sanctuary will look a little different than usual, and the kids will be participating with us in the service as we worship the Lord with some of the songs they've been learning this week and as we continue teaching in our "Good News" sermon series with a message the kids should be able to relate to as well. For this reason, there will be no Sunday School this week while the kids are involved in the worship service, but the nursery will still be available for infants-age 3. If your child was here with us during the VBS week, we encourage you to have them wear their VBS t-shirts one more time on Sunday morning as we celebrate with them then!
Following the service we will hold a church picnic on the front lawn as a continuation of the celebration. We look forward to the chance to enjoy this meal with you, so plan on staying for the picnic if you can, and if you're planning on eating with us, bring a dish to share (salad, sides, dessert, etc.). Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!