The “Gospel” is the news of a true event that happened. But it’s more than just an event. It was the central moment in history where everything changed. This is the best news you will ever hear!



God loves us. He wants us to know Him. He wants us to be in relationship with Him. He showed that He was not going to leave our world broken. Ultimately, He came to deal with and fix the brokenness of sin.


Jesus took upon Himself the penalty for our sin and rebellion against God on the cross. He rescued us and offers us forgiveness freely, through faith in Him. We did nothing to earn it. But, God so loved the world…


New life is possible because Jesus rose from the dead.  He didn’t just save us from death, He saved us into a fullness of joy as we get to know Him more and more by the work of the Holy Spirit.


Images are faithful photographic reproductions of two dimensional, public domain works of art by Rembrandt. The works of art themselves are in the public domain in their source countries, and the photographic images taken of them are labelled for public reuse.