Here at Community Church we have opportunities for your kids of all ages to be cared for and to hear the good news of Jesus Christ.
During the Worship Service, we have the following programs:
3 months - 3 1/2 years || Nursery
Our nursery is open and our team is ready to care for your littlest ones during our worship services.
Preschool – 5th grade (PK-2nd Grade in the summer) || Sunday School
Children will join their families for the start of the worship service in the sanctuary each week, before being dismissed to meet their teachers for Sunday School. We encourage our church family to worship the Lord together and have conversations about what worship is, who is the amazing God we worship, why we worship Him, and what worship looks like.
“ These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.””
The goal of our children’s ministry is to not only care for your children while you grow – but we aim to see our kids become followers of Jesus as well!
Our nursery team cares for the youngest ones in our church by demonstrating God’s love for them, praying for them, and helping them to care for one another.
In Sunday School, our teachers are passionate about sharing the truth of the Good News of Jesus through more than simply retelling bible stories. Our teachers strive to make learning hands on, interactive, relevant, and impactful.
Child Safety
At Community Church we take seriously the responsibility you have entrusted us with by implementing several procedures to ensure that our kids are as safe as possible. We only allow volunteers to serve with our kids after they have gone through a 6-month approval process.
Background Checks
Every staff and volunteer member who serves our children goes through a mandatory CORI and SORI background check.
The first step when dropping a child off with any of our staff or volunteers is to ensure they are checked-in. Whether a first-time visitor or an attendee for years, we ensure that only the appropriate adult can check your child back out. We ask that you arrive 5 minutes before class starts so your child can get checked in, acclimated and settled in.
Do you want to share the love of Jesus with our church’s children? If you’re interested in serving in children’s ministry by joining our Sunday School team of teachers and helpers, please email us.