Sunday, March 29, 2020

Sunday School

Parents, as you are now the ‘Sunday School Teachers’ for your kids, we have prepared this tool to help you guide your kids into the rest of the service. We encourage you to watch alongside of your kids and participate together.

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Call To Worship

Choose someone from your group to read the call to worship, or read it out loud yourself. If you’re journaling, choose part of this verse and add it to your journal. Highlight words or phrases that draw you to towards God in worship.

2 Corinthians 1:3-5

Welcome & Announcements

Worship in Song

The Worship Team worked hard to record and produce these live recordings for our church family — and had a great time doing it! Sing along at the top of your lungs; or listen and reflect on the words. Either way, lift your heart and life to the Lord in worship.


Click on the video above to watch the sermon for this week.
This week, we’re studying John 19:28-29 as we continue with our series called “7 Words: Wrestling with the Last Words of Jesus from the Cross.”

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Going Deeper

You don’t have to answer all of these questions. Look them over, and use one or two that might be helpful as you respond to God’s Word.

  1. When suffering and crisis comes, what do you “thirst” for? How do you find yourself responding? Do you withdraw into yourself? Do you get angry at God? Do you run into his arms? Do you get overwhelmed? Share your answer with your family, zoom group, or spend some time reflecting on this in your journal.

  2. Hebrews 4 talks about approaching God’s throne with confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Which do you “thirst” for more in these recent days? God’s mercy/compassion/comfort? or God’s grace/strength/peace?

  3. Together with your Zoom group or family, read Psalm 42:1-5 out loud. If you’re on your own today, write these verses in your journal. Reflect on the parts of this Psalm that resonate with your experience. Knowing that Jesus understands our thirst and our suffering, pray verse 5 over yourself and our whole church family.

  4. Share with your group, your family, or email us here at the church (using the button in the next section) the ways you’re being impacted by the spread of the coronavirus; share also about those people you know whose lives are being threatened (physically or financially or emotionally) by this pandemic. We’ll invite you to pray over these needs below.

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Community Updates

Share with one another the needs, challenges, and joys that you, your family, your neighbors, and your workplaces are going through during this time. Submit a prayer request to either our prayer/leadership teams or to be shared with the whole church. Here you have an opportunity to post a video, photo, or selfie from different groups and families to share with one another.

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Take this opportunity to lift up your voices to God. We have collected some prayer requests that have been submitted to us and we have posted them on our community prayer wall (see the button below). This morning, we invite you to pray for those needs posted there, and we also invite you pray over what was shared or discovered in the Going Deeper questions above. Pray specifically for our church family:

  • pray that we would be able to perceive God’s presence and his mercy and comfort with us.

  • pray that we would experience the strength that comes from receiving God’s grace

  • pray for an end to this ongoing pandemic

If you need some guidance in prayer, use the A.C.T.S. prayer guide linked below as framework for helping you pray if you’d like.


Read the verse paraphrase below out loud, or have someone from your family or Zoom group read it out loud as a benediction over our church family.

Philippians 4:7

Now may the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Amen.

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Tithes & Offerings

As you conclude in worship, take time to login to either the link below, tike time to mail a check, or reach out to your bank. Remember that our tithes and offerings are a continued act of worship and are a physical act of entrusting all of our lives to Jesus. Our Lenten Giving to Amirah can also be done through this same link (please remember that we would encourage you that our Lenten Giving is only above and beyond our regular tithes and offerings)