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Sunday, August 16th, 2020
JOIN US for ‘Church in the Lot’ SUNDAY at 10:00 AM!
Our worship service will be held outdoors in our parking lot. Social distance will be maintained throughout, masks will be worn, and we will remain in the fresh air outdoors.
Call To Worship
One thing I ask from the Lord;
this only do I seek:
That I may dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life.
To gaze upon the beauty of the Lord,
and to seek him in his temple.
For in the day of trouble,
He will keep me safe in his dwelling;
He will hid me in the shelter of his sacred tent,
and set me high upon a rock.
Then my head will be exalted
above the enemies who surround me;
at his sacred tent I will sacrifice with shouts of joy;
I will sing and make music to the Lord.
—Psalm 27:4-6
Watch the ‘Live-Stream’ of our service
Our worship service will be available to live stream at 10:00am (EST) on Sunday, August 16th. You can access the lyrics to the songs and the order of service using the button below for Outdoor Worship Guide. After the service has concluded you can also watch a recording of this service.
Children’s Ministry
Click the link above to view or print our Kids’ Journal pages template as another resource to help your kids engage as you continue in worship together.
Going Deeper
You don’t have to answer all of these questions. Look them over, and use one or two that might be helpful as you respond to God’s Word.
When you come to church and worship, who is the audience? Don’t answer with what you think the right answer should be. Answer based on your actual experience.
Do you find yourself evaluating the experience (I loved that time of worship; I was disappointed by that time of worship), as though you’re the audience?
Do you find yourself longing to “get something out of worship” — like you were hoping to be moved emotionally, or hoping to be encouraged, or at least hoping to know the songs that we sang together?
Do you find yourself just going through the motions when you sing, or are you reflecting on the lyrics, pausing on those that speak to your heart, and praying them back to the Lord? Are you “working” to worship, or are you more passively just singing along?
Think about the distinction between worship where you are the audience compared to worship where God is the audience and you’re aiming to please Him. With humility and honesty, are you more of a consumer when it comes to worship, or more of a disciple when you “sing and make music to the Lord”? Talk about this distinction with your family, small group, mentor, or reflect on this question in your journal. Talk about what is actually going on in your heart and mind while we worship together on Sundays.
What is your favorite line from your favorite worship song? What does it reveal about God’s character, his actions in our lives, or our relationship with Him? What about that gives you strength and helps you overcome fear by displacing fear with the presence of God Himself? Share this with your family, small group, mentor, or just reflect on this in your journal.
When you think specifically about your fears, is there a specific song that addresses that particular fear, or that focuses you on God’s character in a way that helps displace that fear and fill your life with God’s own presence? This isn’t a question about your ‘favorite’ song, but rather we’re asking about a song that speaks into your situation. At some point today (Sunday), pull up that song on the streaming service of your choice, and spend some time in personal worship, actively praying the song to the Lord, and let him displace your fears with himself.
Community Updates & PRAYER
Submit a Prayer Request: Share with one another the needs, challenges, and joys that you, your family, your neighbors, and your workplaces are going through during this time. Prayer requests can be shared with either our whole church, or just the prayer leadership teams.
Spend Some Time in Prayer: We have collected some prayer requests that have been submitted to us and we have posted them on our community prayer wall. This morning, we invite you to pray for those needs posted there, and we also invite you pray over what was shared or discovered in the Going Deeper questions above.
Share a Photo or Video: Here you have an opportunity to post a video, photo, or selfie from different groups and families to share with one another. Take a selfie with Worship Online in the background! Hold up signs! Express your gratitude and celebrate being a part of Community Church!
As you conclude in worship you can login to our giving portal using the link below, take time to mail a check, or reach out to your bank to set up a bill pay. Remember that our tithes and offerings are a continued act of worship and are a physical act of entrusting all of our lives to Jesus.