Sunday, May 24th, 2020
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children’s Sunday School
Due to unforeseen changes in the availability of preachers our Sunday School will not have a video this week. Please use the provided Kids Journal to help your children follow along our sermon with you as we study God’s Word today!
Welcome & Announcements
Call To Worship
Have someone read through this call to worship from Psalm 33
Click on the video above to watch the sermon for this week.
This week, we’re studying Acts 1:3-11 as we continue in our sermon series: 7 Encounters with the Risen Lord.
Going Deeper
You don’t have to answer all of these questions. Look them over, and use one or two that might be helpful as you respond to God’s Word.
As Jesus prepared the disciples for his ascension he told them that they needed to wait for the baptism of the Holy Spirit at pentecost. This was the long promised, now realized moment of God doing a whole new thing by pouring out His Spirit on His people. Our text shows that this new life won by the resurrection would be first a new life filled with power by the Holy Spirit. How do you see the “power” of the Holy Spirit at work in your life?
This “power” was immediately connected with a “purpose” to enable the disciples to serve as God’s witness. When you think about the “purpose” of life what comes to mind? What does it mean that every moment of every day provides us with a God-given purpose of ultimate significance to be a witness to the Risen Lord, Jesus Christ?
What does it mean to be a witness to Jesus Christ in this season? How do we bear witness to the reality that we have met Jesus and that He is at work in us in a world that is quarantined, self-isolated, and disconnected? How do you feel about the choice to continue to worship online? Whether you prefer to try to rejoin together sooner or not, how can our unity as a community while we remain online serve as a “witness” in our city?
Community Updates & PRAYER
Submit a Prayer Request: Share with one another the needs, challenges, and joys that you, your family, your neighbors, and your workplaces are going through during this time. Prayer requests can be shared with either our whole church, or just the prayer leadership teams.
Spend Some Time in Prayer: We have collected some prayer requests that have been submitted to us and we have posted them on our community prayer wall. This morning, we invite you to pray for those needs posted there, and we also invite you pray over what was shared or discovered in the Going Deeper questions above.
Share a Photo or Video: Here you have an opportunity to post a video, photo, or selfie from different groups and families to share with one another. Take a selfie with Worship Online in the background! Hold up signs! Express your gratitude and celebrate being a part of Community Church!
Choose someone to read the passage of Scripture below out loud, or have someone from your family or Zoom group read it out loud as a benediction over our church family.
May you go from this place in power and with purpose, in order to be a witness to the good news of Jesus Christ today!
As you conclude in worship you can login to our giving portal using the link below, take time to mail a check, or reach out to your bank to set up a bill pay. Remember that our tithes and offerings are a continued act of worship and are a physical act of entrusting all of our lives to Jesus.